Things You'll Need
Mix the black liquor with the sulfuric acid. Test the solution for pH (acidity) levels of 2, 4 and 6 during acid addition and separate the solution into three batches. Wait for lignin to precipitate from each of the three solutions.
Set up the Bukner flask, filter and filter paper. Filter each precipitate from the acid solution. Wash the precipitates with water until they reaches a neutral pH of close to 7 at 77 degree Fahrenheit. Dry the lignin residue in an oven for 24 hours at 131 degrees Fahrenheit.
Choose the pH 4 lignin precipitate and mix it with dichloromethane in a ratio of 1 to 10 based on weight. Stir vigorously for one hour at room temperature. Filter, keeping the solution and discarding the undissolved solid.
Make a caustic soda solution by dissolving caustic soda crystals in water with a weight based ratio of one part caustic soda crystals to two parts water. Dissolve equal weights of wheat straw for a filler and wheat flour for the extender with the 50 percent caustic soda solution. Add the same weight of lignin solution to complete the adhesive mixture.
Cure the adhesive solution in an oven at 266 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours. Allow cooling and the glue is ready.