Things You'll Need
Set the multimeter to resistance measurement mode. Switch off the magnetometer and disconnect the leads between the power supply and the electromagnet. Connect the probes of the multimeter across the positive and negative terminals of the electromagnet. A relatively low resistance of less than 100 ohms should be measured. If much larger resistances are measured, this is indicative of a break in the electromagnet coil and you need to recoil or replace the electromagnet.
Unbolt the electromagnet from the magnetometer using a spanner. Remove the electromagnet from the magnetometer. Locate the ends of the coiling and remove using a Stanley knife.
Unwind the coiling of the electromagnet. The number of turns around the electromagnet core is a key factor in the absolute value of the magnetic field that can be produced so be sure to count the number of turns as you unwind the coiling.
Support the electromagnet core on the two wooden blocks. Coil the electromagnet core and be sure to maintain the same number of turns using the new reel of copper wire. Unfortunately, coiling large electromagnets is a slow process, and this may take some hours.