Keep your proximity badge away from magnets and magnetic surfaces. For example, do not place your badge in a purse or wallet with a magnetic closure or clasp.
Do not expose your proximity badge to open flames or high heat sources. Do not leave your badge on the dashboard of your car on a sunny day, for instance, and do not expose your badge to the heat of a clothes dryer.
Do not twist, fold, bend, crimp or otherwise deform your proximity badge. Do not, for instance, place your badge in your hip pocket if you ride a bicycle on your commute to work.
Do not put holes in your proximity badge with a punch or a drill. Do not bite your badge with your teeth or strike it with heavy objects.
Do not use your proximity badge to clear frost from your car's windshield in the winter.
Be careful to remove your proximity badge from an article of clothing before placing that article of clothing in the wash.
Do not re-laminate your proximity badge.
Do not expose your proximity badge to alcohol or solvents such as turpentine. For example, do not clean your proximity badge with isopropyl alcohol or an organic degreaser.
Keep your proximity badge clean with a soft cotton rag and water.