Things You'll Need
Cut 6 inches of the copper wire. Strip 1 inch of enamel off both ends of the wire. The exposed copper wire has two strands.
Wrap the wire tightly around the toothpick 19 times. Epoxy the wire to the toothpick to secure. Allow the epoxy to dry for 2 hours.
Cut off the ends of the toothpick, leaving only the wire-wrapped portion. Insert the toothpick in the brass tube. Pull one end of the wire out the end of the brass tube. Epoxy both strands of the other side of the wire to the inside of the tube.
Solder one of the two strands to the positive connector of the BNC connector. The positive pole is marked with a plus sign. Solder the other strand of wire to the negative pole of the BNC connector. The negative pole is marked with a minus sign.
Epoxy the BNC connector to the end of the brass tube. Let the glue dry overnight.
Insert the male connector attached to the tube into the female connection of the RF voltmeter.
Wave the brass tube in front of a remote device and measure the RF level of the device.