Things You'll Need
Place the quenching tank as close to the furnace as possible. When quenching steel, it is imperative to get it into the tank as quickly as possible. Use a tank large enough to hold the piece of steel being quenched. The tank must be able to hold enough water to completely submerge the 1045 steel, and be able to hold high heat --- the larger, the better.
Fill the tank with warm water, between 70 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, before quenching the steel. Measure the temperature with a cooking thermometer. Thoroughly dissolve three-fourths of a pound of rock salt for every gallon of water used. The addition of salt forms a brine, which is a better quenching medium.
Don proper protective clothing before transferring the hot steel. A welder's mask, gloves, coveralls and work boots should be used to completely cover your body when working with the furnace.
Transfer the steel from the furnace to the quenching tank. Using heavy-duty steel tongs designed for this work, remove the steel and bring it directly to the bath.
Place the heaviest, or thickest, section into the bath first. Hold onto the steel with the tongs and agitate the steel to prevent a vapor coating from forming on the steel. Agitation also cools the steel uniformly. After agitating, allow the steel to sit in the tank until cool.