Identify Problem
The first step in the process of spatial variation is to identify the problem or occurrence to be studied. An example is a study conducted within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, which sought to track and identify bird populations to determine spatial variations within the forest. The study also looked at the reasons for the variations.
Set Parameters
Any study of spatial variations needs parameters, or factors. For example, a study in California by UCLA and UC Berkeley concerning wildfires uses extreme wind events as the factor in determining spatial variations of fire risks. Not every area within coastal Southern California has the same risk of wildfire. This study identifies the particular areas with the highest risk.
Part of the process of spatial variation involves study over an extended period of time. Three years is the time period selected for the study of bird populations in New Hampshire. The researchers in California reviewed more than 50 years of fire history and its relationship to wind events. Tracking events over time eliminates the problem of a small sample size -- which could produce an unreliable result.
Part of the spatial variation process involves environmental factors such as habitat and weather. Whether it is a forest in New Hampshire or a warm coastal climate, these factors contribute to spatial variations. The study in New Hampshire showed that certain bird species pick the same parts of the forest to inhabit each year rather than spreading out evenly. Part of the spatial variation relates to preferred habitats, but removal of the habitat did not result in eliminating the variation. The wildfire study pointed out the highest risk areas for fires. This provides evidence to predict the location of the next wildfire.