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How to Make a Conic Map Projection

Map projections are highly useful means of representing three-dimensional geographical data in a two-dimensional format. There are multiple types of projections available, each of which serve a different function. Conic map projections represent the projection of a 3-D map onto a cone, which is then unrolled. This map projection minimizes distortion along specific latitudes chosen by the cartographer, but the distortion increases along with distance from the selected latitudes. These parallels then appear as concentric circles on the projected map, while the conversion process turns the longitude meridians into straight lines with uniform angular intervals.

Things You'll Need

  • Calculator
  • Source map
  • Destination map
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    • 1

      Select your desired conical map projection. There are several to choose from including simple conic, Albers equal-area projection, and Lambert's equal-area conic.

    • 2

      Select a reference point on your source map. Record the latitude and longitude of this point.

    • 3

      Apply the transformation equation for your selected conic projection. This equation will differ depending on which conic projection was chosen.

    • 4

      Use the output of your transformation equation to mark the selected reference point on your destination map.

    • 5

      Repeat the above steps for each of your remaining reference points, then connect the points on the destination map as applicable.

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