Enter your data into the Minitab worksheet. If 10 people run a race of equal length, you would record their times in seconds in one vertical column:
Select the graph option from the main menu by using the left mouse button to click on the work "Graph." A sub-menu with different types of graphs will appear.
Select the "Histogram" option with the left mouse button. A histogram dialog box will appear. Choose between four types of histograms including: Simple, With Fit, With Outline and Groups and With Fit and Groups. The Simple histogram is used for one group of data only. It uses values in the data set to calculate the intervals for the histogram. The With Fit option is the Simple histogram with an outline drawn over it to depict the shape of the data. If you want multiple histograms on one graph, select the option With Outline and Groups. Select With Fit and Groups for multiple histograms on the same graph with a line superimposed over the graph to depict the shape of the data. For the example of runners in a race, choose the Simple option.
Double-click the left mouse button on the data you want in the histogram from the list on the far right of the dialog box. In this example, the data is listed as Seconds, so you would double-click on this word, causing the word to appear in the box to the right. Click the "OK" button with the left mouse button and Minitab will produce the histogram.