Things You'll Need
Place the ammeter in series with the circuit whose resistance needs to be measured. Some ammeters have a range setting. If possible set this to auto-range otherwise set it to a value below the applied current.
Place the voltmeter in parallel with the component whose resistance needs to be measured. The component may be a resistor or another electrical device such as transistor. The voltmeter may also have a range setting. Set the range setting to auto-range if possible otherwise set it to below the applied voltage.
Switch on the electrical circuit. The voltmeter and ammeter should display readings. Write down the value of voltage in Volts and the value of current in Amps. Ohms law states: R= V / I. R is the resistance, V is the voltage, and I is the current. Plug the values of voltage and current into the equation. For example, if 10 Volts were measured across a resistor, and the current flowing through the circuit is 2 Amps, then the resistance is: R= 10 / 2 = 5 Ohms.