Things You'll Need
Prepare a block of clay to build the volcano with. Squeeze and push the clay with your hands and roll it with a rolling pin until it's soft and easy to shape. If the clay is too hard, sprinkle a bit of water on the block to make it easier to mold.
Select a tray that is large enough to fit the desired volcano shape and able to catch the "lava" and liquids that flow from it. A baking sheet with raised sides or flat plastic tub will work well. Place a short container in the center of the tray that will hold the lava ingredients. This might be a dixie cup, film canister or the bottom half of a plastic water bottle.
Begin layering the clay around the sides of the container to shape the volcano. Start with a wide base, which will represent the bottom of the volcano. Taper the sides as you build the clay upward and around the container to recreate the volcano's cone shape. Form the clay all the way to the top of the container. Do not fill the container with clay or cover the surface of the container. You now have the shape of your volcano.
Add 2 tbsp. of baking soda into the container. Place inside 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap. Drip 3 drops of red food coloring into the mixture, followed by 2 drops of yellow food coloring. These colors will blend and add an orange tint to the liquid that erupts from the volcano.
Pour a 1/2 cup of vinegar into the container, when you're ready for the volcano to erupt. The vinegar will react with the baking soda, causing a chemical reaction that sends the liquid flowing up and over the sides of your clay volcano.