Things You'll Need
Choose the domain of the portion of the arccos graph that you want to plot. For example, (-1, 1), one complete period of the arccos function.
Substitute multiple values within the chosen domain into the arccos(x) problem. For example, to graph the equation f(x) = arccos(x), with a domain of (-1, 1), substitute multiple values within the domain. These can include arccos(-1) = π, arccos(-0.5) = 2.1, arccos(0) = 1.57, arccos(0.5) = 1.05 and arccos(1) = 0.
Plot these points onto a Cartesian coordinate plane that is appropriately scaled for the arccos function. For example, the x-axis can have a range of (-π/2, π/2) and the y-axis can have a range of (0, 3), for arccos with domain (-1,1).
Draw a smooth curve connecting the points together to form a wave-like shape. You may check the arccos graph for accuracy on a graphing calculator, if you choose to do so.