A solution's alkalinity is a measurement indicating its ability to react with a strong acid to a predetermined pH. It is measured based on its carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide content. Alkalinity affects a variety of chemical reactions and biological processes, such as nitrification. The higher a solution's alkalinity, the greater the amount of neutralizing agent that must be added to a solution in order to counteract it. This information is of extreme importance in wastewater treatment facilities to ensure that treated water is safe for use.
The corresponding property of a solution's alkalinity is its acidity, which is the solution's ability to react with a strong base. The acidity comprises a solution's total acidic composition, including its percentage of both strong and weak acids as well as salts. The pH value of a solution may not be an accurate reflection of its acidity, as a sample with a neutral pH may actually be highly acidic. Acidity indicates the corrosive properties of a solution, which is critical for any scientist to know when transporting a solution or mixing it with other chemicals.
Preparing Samples for Analysis
Chemistry students and professionals alike assess the acidity and alkalinity of a solution in the same manner. A sample should be gathered using a medicine dropper and placed in a glass test tube or bottle. The container should be filled to brim so there is no headspace for gas dissolution. A tight seal on the glass tube or bottle is important while it is stored at 4 degrees Celsius for two weeks, in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
Titration Analysis
Each sample's acidity and alkalinity is easy to determine without advanced machinery or complex equipment. Titration is a simple analysis technique with which all secondary science students should be familiar. After storing a solution according to EPA instructions, place the sample in a beaker on a ring stand and pipet sulfuric acid into the beaker until the solution reaches a pH of 4.5. The amount of acid needed to titrate the sample indicates the solution's alkalinity. Repeat the experiment on a clean sample, titrating the solution with sodium hydroxide to a pH of 8.3.