Things You'll Need
Freezing Bubbles Outside
Store the bubble solution in the refrigerator until you are ready to go outside.
Dress in cold-weather clothing. You need to stay outdoors for a while to witness the bubble freezing process.
Go outside during the daytime when it is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, you can go outside at night, but the area where you generate bubbles must be well-lit.
Pull the wand out of the bubble solution. Blow gently on the wand to create a bubble.
Catch the bubble on the end of your wand to keep it from bursting before it can freeze.
Watch while the bubble becomes solid as its surface turns into thin ice crystals.
Freezing Bubbles Inside
Store the bubble solution in the refrigerator until you are ready to begin the project.
Get out a paper plate and the bubble solution.
Pull the wand out of the bubble solution. Blow gently on the wand to create a bubble.
Catch the bubble on the paper plate. Put the plate in the freezer for two or three minutes.
Remove the plate from the freezer. Observe the frozen bubble.