Both plants and animals use carbohydrates as a source of energy. Carbohydrates store energy in the form of starch which, depending on the type of carbohydrate, provide either simple or complex sugars. Complex sugars, polysaccharides, give a steady supply of energy while simpler sugars, monosaccharides and disaccharides, supply a quicker jolt before dissolving. Animals receive these starches through foods, especially those made from plant life such as grains and bread. Plants manufacture their own carbohydrates through photosynthesis, which uses energy absorbed from light to break up carbon dioxide and water into energy.
The processing of carbohydrates has the side effect of helping with the processing of other chemicals present in the body. As carbohydrates break down, they release carbon atoms. These can then join with other chemicals in the body which in turn helps them break down into simpler forms. The complex polysaccharide structure of some carbohydrates, which takes a while to process, thus helps to provide carbon atoms over an extended period of time, allowing the functions to continue on regularly.
Different carbohydrates, particularly those in the form of polysaccharides, contribute to the building of cellular structure. In plants particularly, where cellulose creates a solid wall around the cell, carbohydrates release chemicals which aid in fortifying this structure. Since plants have no skeleton or other weight-bearing form, these cell walls provide the framework by which plants are able to stand and extend. In a sense, it's the processing of carbohydrates which keep plants from falling over or lying flat on the ground.
Other Functions
In addition to the primary functions of carbohydrates, various polysaccharides fulfill other functions in organic life. Heparin, a complex carbohydrate, is commonly used as an injectable anticoagulant, where the breakdown of the sugars helps to prevent blood clots. Carbohydrates also serve as antigens, substances which trigger the creation of antibodies for the immune system. Other carbohydrates provide hormones, such as follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), which aids in ovulation, and glycoprotein, which aids in cell-to-cell interaction such as those between antigens and antibodies.