Carboxyl group
The carboxyl group has the chemical formula CO2H. It has a single carbon atom, two oxygen atoms, and a single hydrogen atom. A double covalent bond is present between the oxygen and carbon atom, making the group very stable. The central carbon atom within the molecule is the reactive part of the molecule and it can combine with a number of different atoms. For example, bonding with another hydrogen atom leads to the generation of formic acid which has the chemical formula HCO2H.
Carbon is the basis of all life on earth, and also forms the backbone of today's energy industry. Carbon has the atomic number of six, meaning it has six protons in the nucleus and six electrons surrounding the nucleus. Carbon can combine to form a large number of compounds, including diamond, graphite and graphene. The color of carbon depends upon its specific form. For example, diamond is well known to be clear and sparkly whereas graphite is black.
Hydrogen is the simplest of all atoms. It has an atomic number of one meaning it has just a single proton in the nucleus and a single electron surrounding the nucleus. Hydrogen is the main fuel for stars which generate energy by combining hydrogen atoms in the process of fusion. Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature and is found in many organic molecules such as methane (CH4) and glucose (C6H12O6) which is the main source of energy for human beings.
Oxygen is the element that human beings breath in order to carry out respiration. It has eight protons in the nucleus and eight electrons surrounding the nucleus. Oxygen is a major constituent in the earth's atmosphere making up a 20.95 percent of total atmospheric gases. This fact allows mankind to carry out combustion of carbon in order to create energy.