Classification Experiment
Taxonomy is the branch of biology which classifies all living things into the basic kingdoms and related subgroups of organisms. Use a randomly mixed quantity of various types of dried beans to demonstrate classification of living things. Think of various ways that things can be classified such as by color, shape, size or surface markings. Arrange your assortment of dried beans according to one or more main classification schemes and then by subclasses within the various major classifications. Use listing, counting and averaging to see how biologists collect and use data from their experiments.
Testing For Starches in Foods
Plants make sugar from water, carbon dioxide and sunlight in the process called photosynthesis. They store the sugar they make in their seeds in the form of starch. Use a tincture of iodine to test various samples of food items for the presence of starch. Place a drop of the reddish iodine on samples of cornstarch, flour, bread, chips, popcorn and other foods. If starch is present, the iodine solution will turn from reddish orange to dark purple. Visit a site such as Causes of Color to learn more about the reaction between starch and iodine.
Decomposition Experiment
Biological decomposition is the process which keeps the world from being piled high with the dead remains of plants and animals and which serves to recycle those remains as nutrients for other living things. Place a damp paper towel in a clean empty jar. Place a slice of bread in next. Seal the jar and store in a dark place. Every three days, look at the jar and record your observations on what is going on inside. Continue your observations every three days for a month or more. Try this also with a banana peel and an apple core. Compare your observations and results.
Algae Generation Experiment
Place a clean jar of tap water on a sunny window sill. Leave it there for three months. Add fresh clean water to the jar each week to make up for evaporation. Perform this same test on a second jar which contains a few blades of grass. Try this with a jar of rain water too. Make weekly observations for three months and record any changes you observe. Explain your observed changes and any differences between the jars.
Plant Growth Experiments
Plant and grow 30 seeds of the same type of beans in separate paper cups with holes punched in the bottom. Grow the bean plants to about 4 inches in height. Place some plants in sunny windows. Place some in north-facing windows. Water some others once a week and some twice a week. Feed some with dilute fertilizer and some with no fertilizer. Use three or four plants in each experimental group. Make daily observations about each group of plants and record your observations for six weeks. Explain the differences you observe.