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How to Make a Weather Vane With a Straw for Kids

A weather vane is more accurately a wind vane, as it is constructed to tell you quickly which way the wind is oriented. In the past, before modern weather forecasts were available, farmers used a variety of methods to monitor the weather, a vane being one of them. You can construct an easy weather vane from a plastic drinking straw and other simple materials that will operate just like the real thing.

Things You'll Need

  • Foam plate
  • Scissors
  • Plastic drinking straw
  • 2 paper clips
  • 1/8-inch wood dowel
  • Pen or marker
  • Adhesive tape
  • CD or flat base
  • Compass
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    • 1

      Cut a foam strip shaped like an arrow at one end from the foam plate. Make it 1 inch wide and 4 inches long. Use the scissors to make a 1 1/2-inch slit on each side of the top of the straw about 1/2 inch down from the top.

    • 2

      Cut the wood dowel down to 6 inches in length, or measure the wood dowel against the inside of the straw. Cut it so the top of the dowel is lower than the bottom of the slits in the sides of the straw.

    • 3

      Bend the inner curve of the paper clip so that it stands at a 90 degree angle to the larger curve. Set the two upright smaller curves together, and put the wood dowel between them. Tape around the outside, clamping the wood dowel between the two uprights of the paper clips. Now use the tape to anchor the bottom curves of the paper clips that remain flat to a used CD or other such flat base. This creates a spindle on a base.

    • 4

      Mark N, S, E, and W on the base at the four points that mark north, south, east and west. When you set up the vane you will orient them to the right direction.

    • 5

      Slide the foam strip through the slits on the straw. Now set the straw over top of the wood dowel. The straw should spin freely.

    • 6

      Find north on your compass. Set your vane in a place where it is clear of obstruction and can collect the wind to make it turn. Orient the N on your base to north by consulting your compass. Set the vane in place and watch for the wind to blow, and your new vane to tell you the direction.

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