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How to Make a Buzzer Circuit With a Battery Holder

Buzzers are typically made with piezoelectric crystals and diaphragms. The crystals expand or contract when given a voltage, and these movements cause the diaphragms to vibrate and produce a noise. Buzzers are used in circuits with alarms, such as smoke detectors. Some buzzers can operate on 1.5 volts, but others may need more. This can be produced by a power supply. An alternative is to use holders that will combine the necessary amount of batteries needed to produce the required voltage. One important advantage of holders is they make it easy to replace the batteries in a circuit where all of the components are soldered together. To make a buzzer circuit with a battery holder, first decide how much voltage the device needs, then add the holder to the circuit.

Things You'll Need

  • Piezo buzzer
  • 2 AA batteries
  • Battery holder
  • Solderless breadboard
  • Jumper wire
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    • 1

      Orient the breadboard horizontally. There should be a set of blue and red stripes on both the top and bottom.

    • 2

      Examine the battery holder. It has two wires, one red and the other black. The red wire is for attaching the batteries to the positive side of the circuit, while the black wire is for the negative side.

    • 3

      Insert the buzzer into the circuit so its leads fall into different columns. If the buzzer is large, insert it so the leads are on different sides of the two breadboard sections. The leads should be oriented vertical to the breadboard.

    • 4

      Attach a jumper wire to one of the holes in the same column as the plus side of the buzzer. Place the wire's other end into one of the holes near the red stripe at the top.

    • 5

      Connect a jumper wire to one of holes in the same column the minus side of the buzzer is in. Place the wire's other end into one of the holes near the blue stripe at the top.

    • 6

      Insert the red wire of the battery into the row near the red stripe, and insert its black wire into the row near the blue stripe. Place both the AA batteries into the holder, and the buzzer will make a piercing noise.

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