Things You'll Need
Cut out one of the short ends of the shoe box, by cutting down the two corner edges on the sides of the short end. Leave 1 inch of cardboard across the bottom of the opening.
Measure 2 1/2 inches along the long, outer side of the shoebox, starting from the open cut end. Mark each side of the box with two small dots. Use the paper punch to punch a hole on the side of the shoebox, at each mark, measured 1 inch down from the top.
Starting on the outside of the box, insert one unsharpened pencil through the holes until it pokes out of the hole on the other side of the box.
Place the second unsharpened pencil against the center of first to form a perpendicular cross. Rest the eraser of the vertical pencil on the bottom of the shoe box. Start at the center point where the pencils meet and secure the pencils together by wrapping electrical tape around where the two pencils intersect.
Mark the spot where the pencil meets the bottom of the box. Use your scissors to poke a hole through the box at this spot.
Turn the box on its side. Push the rubber band through the hole on the bottom, and then into the box. There will be a loop on the inside of the box and one on the outside bottom. Place the eraser end of the pencil into the loop on the inside of the box. Insert the craft stick through the rubber band loop on the outside bottom of the box. The craft stick will keep the rubber band from coming through the hole and provide resistance, while allowing the box to rest fairly level on a flat surface.
Hold the spoon upright, with the inside scoop facing away from the cut end of the shoebox. Set it against the vertical pencil, on the side farthest away from the cut end of the shoebox. Tape the handle of the spoon to the upright pencil with electrical tape. Secure the tape until you are able to pick up the entire unit with the scoop of the spoon without any parts coming loose.
Pull the spoon down, toward the cut side of the shoebox. You will feel resistance from the rubber band pulling against the pencil. Choose a soft, lightweight projectile to place in the scoop. Release the spoon to launch.