The Microprocessor
The central processing unit of a computer is the microprocessor. The microprocessor must contain all the logic components necessary for processing calculations and carrying out stored instructions or instructions arriving via its inputs from the computer system, all on a single silicon chip. A microprocessor is not self-contained; to create a workable computer, it needs to be used in conjunction with other elements.
Microprocessors and Computers
To make a computer using a microprocessor, several parts are necessary. The power supply provides electricity for the system. The clock synchronizes all the components and governs the rate at which at which the microprocessor executes instructions. The memory is used to hold and manipulate data. Input and output devices send data to and from the processor. A computer also requires mass storage for the operating system and other software.
Microcontroller Elements
Unlike a microprocessor, a microcontroller contains all the elements it need to function barring the power supply. On one chip it houses a central processing unit (CPU), clock, input and output devices, random access memory (RAM) for manipulating binary information and read-only memory (ROM) for storing the code that they are designed to execute. A microcontroller can be thought of as a tiny, highly specialized computer.
Microcontrollers in Use
Microcontrollers are used as the "brains" for devices that need to be controlled automatically. Microprocessors are everywhere in modern technology, from aerospace applications to household appliances. Items that use microcontrollers include toys, power tools, medical equipment, microwave ovens, automobiles and office equipment. Systems that employ microcontrollers to control a device are called embedded systems. Because they only need to perform a narrow range of dedicated or specific functions rather than the broad range of functions required of a computer, such embedded systems can be optimized for space, power consumption and efficiency. Performance and reliability may also be increased.