Matrix Addition
Ensure that the matrices have the same dimensions, such as 2x2, which means the matrices consist of two rows and two columns.
Set up an addition operation between each element in one matrix and its corresponding element in the other matrix. For example, to add a 2x2 matrix containing the elements 4 and 5 in its first row and 2 and 6 in its second row to another 2x2 matrix containing 7 and 5 in its first row and 9 and 2 in its second row, set the expression up like this: (4 + 7) and (5 + 5) in the first row of the resultant matrix and (2 + 9) and (6 + 2) in the second row.
Add to obtain the new single matrix expression for the sum of a set of matrices. For example, for a matrix with (4 + 7) and (5 + 5) in the first row and (2 + 9) and (6 + 2) in the second row, the new matrix becomes: 11 and 10 in the first row and 11 and 8 in the second row.
Matrix Subtraction
Ensure that the matrices have the same dimensions, such as 2x2, which means the matrices consist of two rows and two columns.
Set up a subtraction operation between each element in one matrix and its corresponding element in the other matrix. For example, to subtract a 2x2 matrix containing the elements 4 and 5 in its first row and 2 and 6 in its second row from another 2x2 matrix containing 7 and 5 in its first row and 9 and 2 in its second row, set the expression up like this: (4 - 7) and (5 - 5) in the first row of the resultant matrix and (2 - 9) and (6 - 2) in the second row.
Subtract to obtain the new single matrix expression for the difference of a set of matrices. For example, for a matrix with (4 - 7) and (5 - 5) in the first row and (2 - 9) and (6 - 2) in the second row, the new matrix becomes: -3 and 0 in the first row and -7 and 4 in the second row.
Matrix Multiplication
Ensure that the matrices have the same dimensions, such as 2x2, which means the matrices consist of two rows and two columns.
Set up the multiplication operation between each element in each row of one matrix to the elements in the corresponding column of the other matrix. For example, to multiply a 2x2 matrix containing the elements 4 and 5 in its first row and 2 and 6 in its second row to another 2x2 matrix containing 7 and 5 in its first row and 9 and 2 in its second row, set the expression up like this: (4 * 7) + (4 * 9) and (5 * 7) + (5 * 9) in the first row of the new, combined matrix and (2 * 9) + (2 * 2) and (6 * 9) + (6 * 2) in the second row.
Multiply to obtain the new single matrix expression for the difference of a set of matrices. For example, for a matrix with (4 * 7) + (4 * 9) and (5 * 7) + (5 * 9) in the first row and (2 * 9) + (2 * 2) and (6 * 9) + (6 * 2) in the second row, the new matrix becomes: (28 + 36) and (35 + 45) in the first row and (18 + 4) and (54 + 12) in the second row. Adding finds: 64 and 80 in the first row and 22 and 66 in the second row.