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DIY EMF Field Meter

All electrical equipment such as televisions, computers, cars, and even batteries produce an electromagnetic field. Static electricity was the easiest form of EMF to create by early physicists. As such, many of the tools, models and mathematical equations are based on it. Creating a device or meter to show the electromagnetic field strength is easy to do with common household items.

Things You'll Need

  • Aluminum foil
  • Wire coat hanger
  • Jar with cork
  • Electric hair dryer
  • Wire cutters
  • Scissors
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    • 1
      The wire must have a ninety-degree bend to properly work.

      Cut a section from the bottom rung of a wire hanger to create a straight metal rod approximately six inches long. Use the wire cutters again to bend the last half inch of the rod 90 degrees, creating an "L" shape.

    • 2
      Tightly crimp the aluminum around the rod, creating a ball.

      Run the straight end of the L-rod through the entire cork, leaving about one inch sticking out of the top. Take a piece of aluminum foil and form a solid ball at that end of the rod.

    • 3

      Cut a two-inch by half-inch strip of the remaining aluminum foil and fold it from the middle of the strip evenly over the L-shaped section of the rod. Make sure the ends of the foil are about one millimeter apart.

    • 4

      Use the hair dryer to remove any moisture from the inside of jar and place the cork-and-rod assembly on it.

      The closer you place the aluminum ball to a strong electromagnetic field, the more the foil strips will separate from one another. Televisions are a good starting point to see a large change in the foil's distance.

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