For kids, soap bubbles are almost magical, as they reflect the different colors of the light spectrum while floating through the air. You can make blowing bubbles an educational game by teaching your child about surface tension -- the attraction between the molecules in the solution that enables the solution to form bubbles. Or, make two different bubble solutions by omitting the corn syrup from one. Make observations about the differences between the bubbles produced by the different solutions. While you can buy bubble solution and wands at most drug stores, you can make your own from fairly common household materials.
- Bowl
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup liquid dish soap
- 2 tbsp. glycerine or corn syrup
- Spoon
- Pipe cleaners
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Mix the ingredients in a bowl or shallow pan, and stir them gently with a spoon.
Form your wand from pipe cleaners. Feel free to experiment with different shapes.
Dip the wand into the bubble solution.
Blow gently into the center of the wand. If you blow with too much force, you'll break the surface tension.