Things You'll Need
Place the iron source on a flat table with nothing around it. Pour the powdered Luminol in the spray bottle. Add the two catalysts, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide, to the spray bottle. Shake well until the powder is completely dissolved.
Turn out all the lights, so you are as close to complete darkness as possible. The Luminol gives off a low-intensity light, so this makes the glow easier to see and be read by the light meter.
Spray the iron source with the Luminol mixture. The source should begin glowing immediately. The intensity of the glow depends on the brightness of the room and how much iron is in the source. Using more iron means a stronger reaction with the Luminol.
Adjust the light meter to its most-sensitive setting, as the light will not be very intense. Put the light meter near the surface of the Luminol glow and take a reading. Do not let the meter touch the Luminol, but get it as close as possible. You only have 30 seconds to get a reading before the glow begins to fade. Turn on the lights. Read the light measurement from the meter, which will be given in lumens.