Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils Using Ammonium Acetate
The EPA uses method 9080 for testing the cation-exchange capacity of soils. This method tests calcareous soils by mixing the soil with excess amounts of an ammonium acetate solution; the results are due to an exchange of ammonium cations for exchangeable cations present in the soil. The excess ammonium is then removed, and the amount of exchangeable ammonium is calculated. The excess ammonium can be removed either through an aeration method or using acid sodium chloride.
Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils using Sodium Acetate
The EPA uses method 9081 for the cation-exchange capacity of soils. This method tests both calcareous and noncalcareous soils by mixing the soil with excess amounts of a sodium acetate solution; the results are due to the exchange of added sodium cations for the matrix cations. The sample is washed with isopropyl alcohol and ammonium acetate is added, replacing the adsorbed sodium with ammonium. The concentration of the displaced sodium is determined using atomic absorption or emission spectroscopy.
Vinyl Acetate Method
The EPA has provided air sampling testing for vinyl acetate. The primary methods for vinyl acetate in air testing are gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC/FID), infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS). Vinyl acetate does encounter some problems, as the samples are usually volatile; there can be interference from other organic chemicals, and desorption or extraction can occur in the sample.
2-Methoxyethyl Acetate
The EPA uses method 8015 to determine the concentration of different nonhalogentated volatile organic compounds and semivolatile organic compounds such as 2-Methoxyethyl Acetate. This method results in quantitative analysis of the chemical through gas chromatography. The samples are introduced into the gas chromatography following different methods of solvent extraction, direct injection, purge-and-trap or vacuum distillation methods.