Compare fractions with the same denominator by determining the relationship between the numerators. For example, 3/5 is less than 4/5 because 3 is less than 4.
Compare fractions with different denominators by finding the least common denominators and converting the fractions to it so the numerators can be compared. Determine whether 8/15 is less than or equal to 4/5. Note that because 5 is a multiple of 15, the least common denominator is 15. Convert the fractions: 8/15 remains the same and 4/5 becomes 12/15. Write that 8/15 is less than 4/5 since the 8 is smaller than the 12.
Use a calculator to find the decimal forms of very large fractions or those that don't have a common denominator to compare the sizes. Determine whether 3/17 is less than or greater than 5/13. Perform the divisions: 3/17 = 0.177 (rounded) and 5/13 = 0.385 (rounded). Write that 3/17 is smaller than 5/13 because that decimal form is smaller than the other.