The hygrometer, also called a humidity sensor, is located neer the top of the barometer. It is designed to measure the relative humidity, which is the water content of the atmosphere. Hygrometers are delicate instruments and often easily prone to inaccuracy. You need to calibrate them correctly on a yearly basis to ensure the necessary accuracy. Digital and dial hygrometers are available for barometers.
Thermometer Box and Convex Mirror
Barometers include a thermometer box, which houses a thermometer. A thermometer is designed to take a reading of ambient temperature. Barometers produced in the United Kingdom, especially the older models, generally measure temperature using the Fahrenheit scale. In addition, they possess a convex mirror, called a "butler's mirror," for decorative purposes.
Setting Knob and Level
Barometers are equipped with a dial, which, along with the set hand and indicator hand, is utilized to show current levels of air pressure and to predict future weather trends. You need to regularly adjust the set hand to the same position as the indicator to demonstrate whether pressure is rising or falling. The setting knob is designed to adjust the set hand.
Pediment and Finial
Pediments are located at the top of many barometers and are included as a decorative top piece. Their design often depends on the date of manufacture. Finials are architectural features used to crown an apex or a gable. Small finials are located at center of the pediments and are also purely decorative. They can have many different designs and are made from a wide variety of materials, including brass and bone. Some antique models are even made of ivory.