Find the number of moles of each component in a compound containing the following percent masses: 38.5 carbon, 24.32 hydrogen and 37.18 oxygen. Assume a sample size of 100 grams of the compound.
Look up the atomic masses, or weight, of each compound on the periodic table: carbon is 12.0107, hydrogen is 1.00794 and oxygen is 15.9994. Note that the atomic masses are in terms of moles per gram.
Calculate the moles of each component by dividing its percent mass by its atomic mass: Carbon = 38.5 / 12.0107 = 3.20547512 moles carbon, Hydrogen = 34.32 / 1.00794 = 34.0496458 moles hydrogen and Oxygen = 37.18 / 15.9994 = 2.32383714 moles oxygen. Round to a certain number of significant figures if the teacher specifies; for example, rounded to four significant figures the answers would be 3.205 moles carbon, 34.05 moles hydrogen and 2.324 moles oxygen.