Things You'll Need
Measure the stream head -- or vertical drop from intake point to turbine position -- and the flow of the stream. Download the Microhydro Power Calculator at to calculate the energy potential of the stream.
Filter debris out of the electric water wheel system by placing a screened box large enough to accommodate the stream flow at the intake source.
Connect the pipeline -- also referred to as the penstock -- to the intake box and the turbine, or water wheel. The pipeline should run in the same direction as the water flow and remain near the stream for the duration of the head.
Attach a charge controller to the battery bank to absorb excess energy. Check the stream flow at peak water levels to install a controller system capable of handling maximum electrical loads.
Connect the charge controller to dump loads and the AC breaker panel on your home. This directs a consistent amount of energy to power household appliances and sends excess energy to a space- or water heater.
Direct the power generated by the electric water wheel to supply energy for household loads and your home's kilowatt-hour meter to track how much electricity your turbine is producing. Many utility companies provide meters at no cost as an incentive to use renewable energy sources.