Check to see if cancellation is possible. The numerator of one of the fractions must be a factor of the denominator of the other fraction and/or the denominator of one of the fractions must also be a factor of the numerator of the other fraction.
Perform the cancellation. For example, if you were performing the calculation [3/6 * 12/16] you would be able to divide the numerator of the second fraction [12] by the denominator of the first fraction [6]. This cancels the denominator of the first fraction from [6] to [1] and the numerator of the second fraction from [12] to [2]. The resulting calculation is [3/1 * 2/16].
Perform the multiplication. If you were to perform the multiplication before the cancellation above your result would be [36/96], which cancels to [3/8]. However, your result after the cancellation would be [6/16] which is much simpler to divide by two and achieve the same result, [3/8].