Things You'll Need
Cut several small holes along the bottom 1 to 2 inches of two large-diameter straws using scissors. If possible, cut the holes on all sides. These holes will act as the screen of your water well casing, allowing water to flow into the straws.
Place one straw in a clear container, box or cut 2-liter bottle, and secure it to the side using tape or a glue dot.
Pour small aquarium gravel into the container so it covers the holes in the straw.
Pour clear water into the bottom of the container to fill the gravel. This combination of gravel and water represents an aquifer.
Flatten the modeling clay, and place it on top of the gravel. Press the sides of the clay against the container and tightly around the straw. This clay represents a confining layer. If the layer seals properly, it should prevent water above the clay from seeping into the lower aquifer.
Place the second straw into the container, and secure it to the side of the container with tape or a glue dot. The bottom of the straw should rest on top of the clay.
Pour gravel into the container, covering the holes in the straw.
Pour water dyed with blue food coloring into the container to fill the gravel and form a higher aquifer.
Place one bottle pump in the upper straw, and pump a little water out. Place the second pump in the lower straw. Allow students to pump the clear water and observe that the water becomes separated by the clay layer and does not mix.