Things You'll Need
Combine 2 tablespoons sugar and 3 tablespoons saltpeter in a skillet. Any type of sugar can be used, but brown sugar may produce thicker smoke due to the higher moisture content. Saltpeter, sometimes called potassium nitrate, is available at garden supply stores.
Set the skillet on the stove at low heat. Stir the mixture constantly with a wooden spoon until the sugar and saltpeter melt together into a sticky, dough-like consistency.
Spread out a sheet of aluminum foil. Scoop the sugar mixture onto the foil in six separate scoops, about 1 tablespoons per scoop. Space each scoop at least 1 inch apart.
Allow the scoops to set about 15 minutes or until hard, then remove them from the aluminum foil. These are your smoke bombs.
Set a hardened smoke bomb on cement or any other hard surface. Light one of the smoke bombs with a lighter or match and step away. The mixture will smoke for up to a minute, and will not explode. No wick is necessary; simply alight the side of the scoop.