Calculate the force due to normal gravity when at rest by using the equation force = mass * acceleration, where force is in Newtons, mass in kg and acceleration due to gravity is in m/s/s. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s/s.
For example, the normal force of gravity on a resting person weighing 80 kg is 784 Newtons because 80 * 9.8 = 784. This is the force of "one gravity" on that person, or 1 G-force.
Divide the total number of Newtons by the number of Newtons equivalent to 1 g. The result is the value in Newtons converted to G-force.
For example, if the 80-kg person experiences a force of 2,744 Newtons, he is subjected to 3.5 g because 2,744 / 784 = 3.5.
Check for errors by reversing your calculations. Multiply the number of G-forces by the force experienced by the object at rest. If the result is not the number of Newtons you converted, then there was an error. Repeat the calculations until they are correct.