Primary Functions
The main difference between the two sides of the brain are functions. The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for skills involved with language and reasoning. The right side of the brain is responsible for skills involved with language and artistic skills.
Damage to the left hemisphere can be a result of Dyscalculia syndrome. It causes difficulty in applying mathematical concepts, figuring arithmetic problems and difficulty with number manipulation. A hyperactive right hemisphere is linked directly with depression and negative thoughts along with a hypoactive left hemisphere that suppresses happy, positive thoughts
The two hemispheres of the brain are separated by the corpus callosum, which contains a large bundle of nerve fibers to allow each side of the brain to communicate with each other and perform functions that both hemispheres of the brain are responsible for.
Surrounding Layers
The outer layer of each hemisphere of the brain is surrounded by gray matter also known as the cerebral cortex, while the inside of the brain consists of white matter.