Basic Shape
A geodesic dome might look like a smooth sphere from a distance, but it consists of a series of triangles joined together. The triangles are actually flat, which enables a round structure to be built out of conventional flat materials, explains University of California mathematician Tom Davis. Because it is a multi-sided shape, a geodesic dome is a polyhedron, rather than a true sphere, according to mathematician Eric Weisstein.
These domes are efficient designs because of the mathematical properties of their shape. Davis explains in a 2004 report that, "A sphere is the mathematical object that contains the maximum volume compared to its surface area." A geodesic dome consists, specifically, out of equilateral triangles, which can be combined along any of their edges, but which can also be subdivided into in any square number of smaller equilateral triangles, such as four or nine, according to Davis.
The domes efficient geometric properties translate into efficient construction and maintenance, affirming Fuller's commitment to "do more with less." The ratio of surface to volume, explained by Davis, requires fewer materials than another structure of the same size. Once built, geodesic domes are "one of the most efficient interior atmospheres for human dwellings because air and energy are allowed to circulate without obstruction," according to the Fuller Institute.
Geodesic domes use metal struts for their basic structure. The number of struts is determined by the number of subdivisions of the original equilateral triangles. Their length is determined by the diameter of the dome. A 2V dome is among the simpler versions, in which the original triangles were divided into four. It requires struts in only two lengths: 30 shorter ones and 35 longer ones.