Winds greater than 25 mph pose a dangerous threat to boaters and swimmers. When sustained winds of this magnitude are expected to last for at least three hours, weather services issue Lake Wind Advisories. They may also issue this warning when sporadic gusts of at least 30 mph are expected. A Lake Wind Advisory differs from the broader "Wind Advisory" because it applies only to a lake. Wind Advisories, however, refer to dangerous conditions caused by sustained winds of 30 mph or greater throughout an entire area, which may include lakes, surrounding woods and cities. Wind Advisories are also issued when sporadic gusts of 40 mph or greater are expected.
Choppy water is the primary hazard caused by high winds. Tall waves can capsize a small craft, drive tree limbs and other debris into its side or fill it with dangerous amounts of water. Inexperienced swimmers can quickly get caught under large waves, which can also tire even the most seasoned swimmers. Though high winds can occur on an otherwise pleasant day, they often precede fast-approaching severe thunderstorms.
Take Action
When a Lake Wind Advisory is issued, the safest choice is to remove yourself and your boat from the water. If you are far from the boat ramp, however, just head to the nearest shore, preferably in a cove or small secluded inlet. Avoid larger open bodies of water, where the waves will be the choppiest and most dangerous. Never swim during a Lake Wind Advisory, even in a cove. Though the waters may appear calm, waves can gain momentum quickly and unexpectedly pull you under the surface.
Similar Weather Hazards
Severe thunderstorms and high winds often go hand in hand, especially on summer afternoons and evenings. In addition to heavy rains and winds, lighting is also common during most thunderstorms. If you are caught in a boat when there is lightning present, stay in the center of the boat, crouched down. Do not touch the water or anything metal. Extreme temperatures can also pose serious threats to boaters, swimmers and sunbathers. To avoid heat illnesses, drink non-alcoholic and non-caffeinated beverages consistently and keep snacks within reach. Take breaks from the sun under an umbrella, tree or other shelter. In the case of extreme cold, wear plenty of layers and avoid the water and wind.