Count the number of pairs of chromosomes in the karyotype, except the sex chromosomes, the last two in the set. Write this number. In a normal human, the number will be 46.
Determine the sex chromosomes, whether they are "XX" or "XY." If they are "XX," the subject is a female; "XY," the subject is a male. Write this combination next to the number after a comma. In a normal woman, this will look like this "46, XX."
Note any irregularities in the karyotype. If the karyotype has an extra 21st chromosome, write "47, XX, +21, Trisomy-21," indicating the subject is a woman with 47 chromosomes and the extra chromosome is in the 21st pair. Having three chromosomes in a pair is called "Trisomy." If there is an extra sex chromosome, write 47, then the sex chromosomes; for example, "47, XXX."