Record with a Button-Hole Camera
Cameras have always led the way in cool gadgetry. Some cameras are large and sophisticated systems, while others are small and discreet. Very small buttonhole cameras now come with simple storage systems, such as SD cards. Some -- such as the B3000, sold by Mini Gadgets Inc. -- even contain USB connections for easy recharging. Once you have a buttonhole camera, the options are endless, assuming you regard legalities. Try getting your friends or a significant other to do funny things; put the file on your computer and send it to them in an e-card. Alternatively, create a funny video and upload it to a social network -- just make sure they won't hold it against you.
Monitor Your Computer
When you have mini spy gadgets, you need to feel at least a little bit like an investigator. If you own a computer that others use, you can keep your computer -- and the actions others perform on it -- under close guard. Whether this means safeguarding your kids or spying on friends, it can satisfy any nosy person's appetite. Some mini gadgets -- such as ChatStick -- surf computers for logged files; namely, files used in online chat programs. It then records these files and compiles them into one easy-to-read file for the owner.
Change Your Voice
Simple voice changers provide you with a unique opportunity for a cool practical joke. Voice changers provide a pitch range to alter the user's voice either higher or lower. This mini-gadget consist of a microphone and a speaker output. When you have this in your hand, you can call any friends and family you'd like and start talking. When you begin telling them facts about themselves that no one else would know, they're bound to be impressed by this knowledgeable stranger.
Infrared Hide and Seek
If you've got some money to spend -- and trust your children a lot -- you can let your kids perform a very cool infrared hide and seek. Infrared goggles peer into the electromagnetic spectrum beyond red light to infrared, which human bodies constantly emit. Goggles -- such as the ATN Night Storm and the PVS-7 -- pick up this light and convert it into a visible green light. Give each participant infrared goggles, turn out the lights or head out into the darkness, and have fun.