Things You'll Need
Divide the average signal power by the average noise power using a calculator and call it SNR. For example; if the signal power is 20.8 and the noise power is 1.4, the formula is given as SNR = 20.8/1.4 = 14.8.
Call the base-10 logarithm of the SNR, SNRL. This can be done by entering the value of the SNR calculated earlier in the calculator and pressing "LOG" button. For the example; SNRL = log(SNR) = log(14.8) = 1.17.
Multiply the SNRL by 10 to get the SNR level in decibel. Decibel is a unit frequently used in situations where the parameter can assume any value between a very wide range of values. This is generally the case with SNR for most systems and, therefore, is common to represent this parameter in decibels. For the example; SNRdb = 10 X 1.17 = 11.7 decibel.