NIT and MCD refer to different units used to measure luminosity. MCD is short for "milli-candela," or a thousandth of one full unit of candlepower. Rarely, MCD may be short for "mega-candela," or a million candelas. These measurements are used in many different cases, such as to measure the brightness of a particular type of lightbulb or a computer screen. One NIT is precisely equal to one candela. The conversion process of one NIT to one MCD is simple enough and does not require a calculator.
Write down the measurement of luminosity in NITs.
Divide this value by 1,000. Simply push the decimal point backward three spaces. For example, 1 MCD is equal to 0.001 NITs or a thousandth of a candela. This is your final answer.
Confirm your answer using one of the many online unit converters on the Internet (see Resources).