Light and Seed Germination
What effect does light have on seed germination? You will need 20 bean seeds, 2 plastic zip bags, 2 paper towels, aluminum foil and a desk lamp. Wet the paper towels until they are completely dampened, then place them in the zip bags. Place 10 seeds on top of each of the paper towels inside the bags, then zip the bags three-quarters of the way closed. Wrap one of the bags in aluminum foil and leave the other uncovered. Place both bags under a desk lamp for seven days. On day 7, unwrap the bag covered in foil and compare the seeds to the ones in the bag that received direct light. What differences do you see in stem length and color? Record your observations.
Light and Plant Growth
Determine how light and dark affect plant growth. You will need 10 small pots, 10 bean seeds, potting soil and a ruler. Fill each of the pots with equal amounts of dampened potting soil. Poke holes into each of the pots approximately 2 centimeters deep and plant one seed in each hole, then cover the seeds in potting soil. Put five of the pots on a window sill that receives direct sunlight and five in an area that does not. Remember to water the plants as needed. In seven days, the seeds will have germinated and you can begin making observations. Take and record stem measurements over the next 14 days. What impact did direct sunlight have on plant growth?
Crowding and Plant Growth
Do plants grow better closer together or further apart? You will need 10 bean seeds, six medium-size pots, potting soil, a desk lamp and ruler to determine the effects of crowding on plant growth. Fill the pots with equal amounts of dampened potting soil. Using a pencil, poke five holes about 2 centimeters deep into one of the pots. Make sure the holes are spaced an equal distance from each other and are relatively close together. Plant one seed in each hole, then plant one seed in each of the remaining five pots, all about 2 centimeters deep. Cover the seeds with potting soil and place them underneath a desk lamp, ensuring each pot gets the same amount of light. Water the seeds as needed. In seven days, the seeds will have germinated and you can begin taking stem measurements. Measure and record stem lengths over the course of 14 days. Make observations regarding leaf color and stem length. What impact did crowding have on growth?
Plant Food and Growth
Do plants prefer regular water, or do they grow better when salt or sugar is introduced? Find out using three already established, similar-sized house plants. Put all the plants in the same location, making sure each receives an equal amount of sunlight. Feed one plant regular water, feed another plant 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of salt, and the last plant 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Make sure to label each plant with the type of food being given. Continue this feeding method over the course of one month. Observe the plants every two days, making notes about each plant's height and appearance. Pay close attention for any signs of distress. Which plants grew better and which did not?