Things You'll Need
Calculate non-defective parts per million. If a process is functioning .002 PPM, there are .002 defective parts for every million parts produced. To calculate how many non-defective parts per million there are, subtract this number from one million. Therefore, 1,000,000-.002 is 999,999.998/1,000,000 non-defective parts.
Convert non-defective parts per million to a percentage. Multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by one million. Therefore (999,999.998 x 100)/1,000,000 is 99.9999998 percent. The more decimal points you keep, the more accurate the calculation will be.
Look up the number of sigma corresponding to the percentage. You can find a sigma conversion table in the back of most statistics books. For our example, 99.9999998 percent corresponds to six sigma.
Look up the Cpk corresponding to the sigma level in a sigma-to-PPM conversion table. The Cpk that corresponds to six sigma is 2.0.