Geothermal power pants draw energy from the earth and have no pollutants since they typically reuse the water that they turn to steam. This means that geothermal plants are a sustainable and clean source of energy. Proponents of clean, domestically produced and sustainable energy may therefore advocate for the construction of a geothermal plant over other power plants such as coal or natural gas.
As is the case for any large power plant, geothermal plants will provide jobs for local communities. The construction and maintenance of the power plant could potentially employ hundreds or thousands of people, helping the economy of the area in which it is built. Because of this, communities may support the building of a geothermal plant in their areas.
Because geothermal plants require deep wells, and engineers often place them close to natural sources of escaping heat from the earth like fault lines, geothermal plants may cause earthquakes. While no major earthquake has resulted from a geothermal plant, some plants have closed due to increased earthquake activity after construction. People may attempt to block a geothermal plant for this reason if they fear increased earthquake activity.
Geothermal plants may experience a NIMBY backlash, which stands for Not In My Backyard. NIMBY protesters may support the concept of geothermal power but not want plants built close to their homes. While there is little fear of an accident in a geothermal plant because it primarily uses water and generates no pollutants, people may dislike seeing an unsightly power plant close to their home. A large industrial power plant may affect property values of neighboring communities, leading them to protest its construction.