One experiment with cheeseburgers would test the effects of temperature on mold growth. The hypothesis or theory for the test is that mold grows faster in higher temperatures. Set three cheeseburgers in a brown bag in different locations where the temperatures are significantly different. One would be placed on the kitchen counter as room temperature, one would be placed in high heat such as inside a car and the last one would be in freezer. Observe each burger over several days up to two weeks and record the results.
For this experiment, you will examine the different types of bacteria and molds growing on an old cheeseburger. First, leave a cheeseburger on a warm area of the kitchen for several days or until there is noticeable mold growth all over the burger. Carefully swab all the parts of the cheeseburger onto separate glass slides, such as the cheese, bread and meat. Observe the growths under a microscope to identify. Compare the differences and similarities to each area's growth.
Another experiment with moldy cheeseburgers will test whether or not ultraviolet lights affect mold growth. Three cheeseburgers would be utilized for this experiment. One would be placed under an ultraviolet lamp, one would be placed under a grow lamp for plants and the last cheeseburger would be placed in the dark. All the temperatures should be consistent. Everyday the observations should be recorded over a 10-day time period.
Storage Methods
Test the effectiveness of storage methods against mold growth using cheeseburgers. Place the same kind of cheeseburger into different storage containers. One cheeseburger would be placed on the counter as a control group. Another cheeseburger would be placed in a zip plastic bag. The third cheeseburger would be placed in a brown bag, while the fourth cheeseburger would be stored in a glass container with a plastic lid. All sections of the cheeseburger should be examined and recorded after three, five and seven days.