Things You'll Need
Plug the coaxial cable with the electrical signal into one of the inputs on the front of the oscilloscope. Depending upon the exact model there may be up to three inputs. These are labelled "CH 1," "CH 2" and "CH 3."
Switch on the oscilloscope by pressing the power button on the bottom left-hand side of the unit.
Switch on the input the coaxial cable is plugged into. This can be achieved by pressing one of the input buttons to the right of the screen. These are labelled "CH 1," "CH 2" and "CH 3."
Adjust the Volts/Div (voltage) knob. This changes the vertical scale of the screen and the number of volts each division represents. The signal should appear on the screen when the correct voltage setting is obtained.
Adjust the Time/Div (timebase) knob. This changes the horizontal scale and the amount of time each division represents. The signal should now be seen clearly on the screen. If an AC signal is being measured, an oscillatory waveform should be seen. If it is not seen, adjust the vertical position knob to move the waveform into the center of the screen.