Things You'll Need
Obtain aluminum sulfate flocculant material from a chemical supply store.
Pour 16 oz. of water into the empty gallon container. Mark this spot with a felt tip marker. Label it 16 oz. Put another 16 oz. of water in the container and mark it again, this time labeling it 32 oz. Continue this process until the container is full.
Drain off some of the water so that the remaining water is approximately 120 oz. The solution only needs to be made in approximation so precision isn't required.
Measure out 4 oz. of aluminum sulfate powder and pour it into the container.
Cap the container and shake it for 30 seconds to create a homogeneous mixture.
Add 16 oz. of this mix to the treatment tank for every 240 gallons of water to be precipitated.
Stir the water in the treatment tank with a large paddle to create turbulence and allow the electrochemical balance of the treatment tank to neutralize.
Turn on the filtration system. As the flocculant begins the precipitation process, large chains of particles will begin to form flocs. These flocs will fall out of suspension toward the bottom of the tank. Here the filtration media will catch them and clear the water.