Convert GPM into cubic feet by multiplying by .1337. For example; 34 GPM x .1337 = 4.54 cubic feet per minute.
Examine the object the water is flowing through. In most instances, it will be a metal pipe, such as those used in sewers. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the pipe in square feet. The formula for the cross-sectional area of a pipe is Pi/4 (outside diameter - inside diameter.) For example; the cross-sectional area of a pipe with an outside diameter of 4 feet and inside diameter of 2 feet would be 3.14/4 (4-2) = 1.57 square feet.
Divide the cubic feet measurement by the cross-sectional area to get linear feet per minute. For our example; 4.54/1.57 = 2.89 feet per minute.
Convert feet per minute into feet per second by dividing by 60. In our example; 2.89 / 60 = .048 FPS.