Obtain the volume of the item in meters you wish to convert. Obtain this figure from either the item's description or calculate it by multiplying its length by its width by its height in meters.
Multiply the CBM by a conversion factor of 35.31466672148859. This means there are about 35.3 cubic feet in one cubic meter. If you round this number, the conversion will be less accurate. An example is 5 CBM x 35.31466672148859 = 176.6 CBF.
Use an online conversion tool if you do not have a calculator handy, and do not want to complete the calculation by hand. Enter the CBM you wish to convert, click the "Convert" option and the math is done for you.
Use an online conversion table. This is a table where someone else has done the math for you. Look up the number of CBM you wish to convert and follow across the column headings to read the equivalent CBM.