Things You'll Need
Fill a small basin with natural spring water and mix in some sea salt. Use roughly 3 tbsp. salt for each cup of water. Salt and water both naturally cleanse energy, and rose quartz is hard enough that the salt will not scratch it. Leave the rose quartz in the salt water for three days.
Fill the basin with soil from a garden and bury the quartz in it for three days. Like salt, earth cleanses. Either system will work. Choose the one you prefer.
Hold your cleansed rose quartz in your dominant hand. Sit or stand comfortably, and envision yourself growing roots into the earth. Visualize the earth's energy flowing up your roots, through you and into the crystal. Focus on the qualities or strengths you want to put into the stone -- love, friendship and healing work best with rose quartz. Feel the energy moving through you and into the crystal. When it begins to feel warm, tingly or as though it is vibrating gently, it is charged and ready to use.