Things You'll Need
Fill each of your three bowls with oil, salt and water, respectively. Place the bowls in various spots around your yard, as far away from one another as possible. If you do not have a yard or have a small yard, try practice dowsing on one bowl at a time.
The reason you want to place these bowls around your yard is to practice with tuning your rods, according to the website Seanachaidh's Grove.
Hold one dowsing rod in each hand. Hold lightly enough for the copper rod to rotate. Walk toward the bowl with salt in it. Notice how the rods move and point toward the salt. Look for any special patterns in the movement. For example, you may find that the left-hand rod spins in circles while the right-hand rod points toward the salt bowl.
Repeat this step for each of the different bowls, each time noticing the different movements of the rods.
Write down -- or otherwise note -- the three different movement patterns of the copper dowsing rods.
Go to the area in which you want to dowse when you have finished practicing. If you want to dowse your yard, remove the three bowls from your yard to prevent dowsing confusion.
Walk slowly around the space in which you want to find salt, oil or water. Notice the movements of the dowsing rods to find the substance. For example, if your left-hand dowsing rod spun while your right-hand pointed toward the salt bowl, notice if your rods begin to do this. Walk toward the location of the material you want to find, using the pointing dowsing rod as a guide. When the compass rod begins to spin wildly or pull down toward the Earth, you have found your substance.